WeatherUnderground 6-day Forecast: Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK
Today Tomorrow Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Partly Cloudy PM Showers AM Showers Partly Cloudy PM Showers Showers
Partly Cloudy PM Showers AM Showers Partly Cloudy PM Showers Showers
1.3 mm 1.2 mm 1.3 mm 3 mm
27°C 17°C 16°C 17°C 19°C 18°C
UV: 6
UV: 4
UV: 3
UV: 6
UV: 5
UV: 4
Tonight Tomorrow night Tuesday night Wednesday night Thursday night Friday night
Fog Late Rain Clouds Early, Clearing Late Mostly Clear Showers Late Showers
Fog Late Rain Clouds Early, Clearing Late Mostly Clear Showers Late Showers
9.7 mm 0.4 mm 1 mm
10°C 11°C 10°C 9°C 10°C 10°C


Partly cloudy. Very warm. High 27C. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 km/h.
Partly cloudy this evening, then becoming foggy and damp after midnight. Low near 10C. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 km/h.
Cloudy early with showers for the afternoon hours. High 17C. Winds S at 15 to 30 km/h. Chance of rain 80%.
Tomorrow night
Cloudy with periods of rain. Low 11C. Winds SSE at 15 to 30 km/h. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around 6mm.
Rain showers early with overcast skies later in the day. High 16C. Winds S at 15 to 30 km/h. Chance of rain 60%.
Tuesday night
Cloudy early with partial clearing expected late. Low around 10C. Winds SE at 15 to 25 km/h.
Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 17C. Winds SSE at 15 to 30 km/h.
Wednesday night
A mostly clear sky. Low 9C. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 km/h.
Partly cloudy early followed by increasing clouds with showers developing later in the day. High 19C. Winds SE at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 40%.
Thursday night
Mostly cloudy during the evening. A few showers developing late. Low around 10C. Winds N at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 40%.
A few showers in the morning, becoming a steady light rain in the afternoon. High 18C. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 70%.
Friday night
Cloudy with a few showers. Areas of patchy fog. Low around 10C. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 30%.


WeatherUnderground forecast for Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.