Advisory Solutions Principal at Dell
jason @ jmfweather.uk; jason.farrow @ dell.com / Twitter: @jasonmfarrow, Web: jmfweather.uk
This site is my main site for me to discuss the things that are important to me. This will not always be about cloud computing but anything that takes my fancy.
I work as an Advisory Solutions Principal focussing on Cloud, Virtualisation and Transformation services for Dell.

I live in Basingstoke with a wonderful partner, now wife, Julie and between us we look after three amazing children: Oliver, Finlay and Maisie. We also have Lola the cockapoo.
I am a member of the Reading Phoenix Choir; one of the top amateur mixed voice choirs in the UK. I sing tenor, look after the extensive library of choir music, and function as stage manager for our concerts. I am also a member of the Amici della Voce octet under the musicianship of David Crown.
I am a member of RAYNET (North West Hampshire) and my callsign is M3MVS. Below is my career history: