While the family was busy camping last week I determined how to add independent Solar and UV capability to my weather station setup.
I did this using two sensors from the ThePiHut.com

Solar & UV sensors
With a small breadboard I was able to wire both of these into my Raspberry PI alongside the AQI sensor and CO2/VOC sensor. Each sensor has its own code (made into a daemon for 24×7 running) to report the values and write them to the /var/www/html directory so that they can be read across my internal network.
Using the custom.plugin option within my Meteobridge NanoSD I was able to directly read each value across the network to the Raspberry Pi using a simple “wget” statement and then map the additional readings to main readings for use elsewhere eg. “sol2!1rad –> sol0rad” and “uv2!1index –>uv0index”.
The readings from these can be seen in box 6 on my default weather display (here)