After much suffering from reboots and poor wi-fi performance, most noticeable on my iPhone when watching video or updating apps, with my not-so-old TP-Link VSDL router it was time for a change.
I considered long and hard about which replacement VSDL modem router I should purchase. After reading a lot of reviews I plucked for this one. It’s not the cheapest but it does have a lot of options and many reports of solid reliability and lengthy uptime.
I now have multiple 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz wi-fi networks running all secured with time scheduling for each. This gives me ultimate control over child #1’s PS4 activity with his own SSID for his PS4 and iPhone wi-fi and set utilisation periods. Finish the game by “x” o’Clock or the wi-fi cuts-out.
The router also shows a lot of statistics that cheaper routers do not show you. Including the SNR and Attenuation which describe the quality of your broadband. Mine is actually very good verging on excellent. I have PlusNet FTTC broadband. PlusNet are owned by BT. I recently changed from BT to PlusNet due to big bills from BT and no way to get them to price match to other providers. 38.9Mbps up and 7.5Mbps down is the max I can get based on my distance to the cabinet.
Downstream Upstream SNR Margin (dB) 4.0 6.1 Attenuation (dB) 25.1 0.0 Output Power (dBm) 12.7 4.1 Attainable Rate (Kbps) 39794 7686 Current Rate (Kbps) 37437 7686So a good choice and no reboots or slow performance so far.