I used to work, it was my first job after leaving school, for the Met Office as an Outstation Observer. This meant that I had to look out at the world every hour and record what was going on. Temperature, Rainfall, Wind speed & direction, Atmospheric Pressure, Cloud etc. This has resulted in a life-long interest in the weather.
I have had for some time my own personal weather station recording all of these things. In March 2016 I upgraded and bought a more capable weather station that uploads to Weather Underground (wunderground.com). My station is identified as IBASINGS39. You can click on that link, or the one in the left hand menu, to see the current data.
Recently I saw an update for my weather station console including a new server interface that presents the data in a different way. This came from Weather34.com courtesy of Brian Underdown. Whilst seemingly quite simple to deploy the process of tweaking my weather console to correctly update to my own website took two days of tweaking and experimenting with support from Brian (Thank you).

The result of these labors can be see here.