ne of my most recent activities has been to help a customer understand where they should be headed from an IT strategy focus. To do this we are using a tool I created which, when used in conjunction with face-to-face interviews, create a clear indication for the customer of where they stand, where they want to be, what priority should be assigned to making this increase in maturity and how long it should take to get there.
I use a standard maturity model based along these pretty much standard levels:

This is then used to assess the current state across a number of service levels. You ask different people across a number of areas both directly and indirectly involved in either IT or the Business Units and summarise the results whilst spotting any results that are wide of the general thinking.
The fun is then about presenting this back and helping the customer take action on the various areas of growth needed. It often shows who is on-board with the CxO message and who needs to rethink their plans.